Colour Conquest

-Color Conquest sounds more complicated than it actually is.

-It’s basically a mix of peoples and zombie ball.

-When the game starts, you are randomly divided into different colours and thus also the teams.

-Your goal is to get all the enemies on your team by phasing them like in standard mode.

-If a team dominates and has all the players on their team, all the players are reshuffled and the game starts again.


-Unlike in standard mode, you have a higher rate of fire and start with 3 lives.

-Every time you are hit, you lose a life.

-If you lose all your lives, you will be captured and will switch to the team that LAST shot you.

-The waistcoat will tell you each time how many lives you currently have.

-You can collect lives by phasing enemies and/or collecting targets.

-Your lives can even rise above the 3 initial lives and have a limit of 6.

-Streak explained: A streak is the number of enemies you have hit without being hit yourself.

-At the end you will see in the results e.g. 10/25 under streak, that means you have hit, on the right, your highest streak in the game: 25 enemies without being hit yourself, and lastly, on the left, you have hit 10 enemies in a row.

-For example, if you have 25/25 under the streak, you have not been conquered for the whole game.

-The conquer indicator shows how many times YOU have been conquered,


-For each hit you receive 125 points in Color Conquest.

-For each hit without being conquered yourself, you receive a bonus of 25 points on top of your 125 points and thus start your streak.
(This has a limit of 2500 extra points).

-Targets do not give extra points, only lives.

-Important for our members:

-From level 4 you will be penalised for team shooting.

-If you hit someone from your own team, they will be deactivated and you will lose 250 points.

-Level 1: Starts with 3 lives, collects lives with every hit, can reach a maximum of 6 lives and is not penalised for team shots.

-Level 2: See level 1.

-Level 3: See level 1.

-Level 4: Starts with 3 lives, collects 1 life every 2 hits, can reach a maximum of 6 lives, is penalised for team fire.

-Level 5: See level 4, but can only reach a maximum of 5 lives.

-Level 6: See level 5.

-Level 7: Starts with 2 lives, collects 1 life every 4 hits, can reach a maximum of 4, is penalised for team shooting.

-Level 8: Starts with 2 lives, collects 1 life every 5 hits, can reach a maximum of 5, is penalised for team shooting.

-Level 9: Starts with 1 life, accumulates 1 life every 7 hits, can reach a maximum of 7, is penalised for team shooting.

Oster-Ferienspecial vom 12.04.25 bis 27.04.25

jedes spiel 6,50€